Выставка CIHS
Дата проведения:
19–21 сентября 2012
The Chinese exhibition for industrial machines CIHS was held for the first time in 1952 and was a large-scale surveying event where experts from different countries of the world could observe the innovative equipment and computer workings out. For today the annual exhibition of technical machines is an integral part of production of the Asian region. The organizers of CIHS invite experts, masters and workers of different industries from Algeria, Argentina, Australia, Bangladesh, Belgium, China, Denmark, Germany, France, Greece, the Great Britain, India, Indonesia, Iran, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Canada, Kazakhstan, Korea, the Netherlands, Russia, Sweden, Pakistan, Spain, Syria, Turkey, Ukraine and Vietnam. Representatives of the countries of Europe and Asia will promulgate workings out in the field of manufacturing techniques and using of the ready equipment and will act with reports on improvements at the specialised seminars. During that seminars of CIHS breadboard models of advanced technics and diagnostic equipment will be in details disassembled. Separate section of the exhibition will be computer maintenance and automation, the control and measuring equipment serving for tracking of working changes of the basic industrial technics. Детализация тематики выставки CIHS
International industrial equipment and hardware exhibition