Выставка Bakery China Fair
Дата проведения:
12–15 мая 2010
The exhibition-sale of bakery and confectionery products in China Bakery China Fair is the largest trade fair in the Asian region and a psrticipant of the international European bakers and confectioners congresses from all over the world. Bakery China Fair opens its doors to Shanghai every year, with the largest organizers GHM and IMAG, representing the international market of food production. Within three days of carrying out of the exhibition Bakery China Fair it is expected about 900 companies from all over the world representing last technologies in baking, confectionery and packing industry, decorating materials. Because of the big requirement, originally planned area of the exhibition consisting of four halls will be expanded to five and a half halls covering the full area of 64 000 sq.m., thus the exhibition exposition will differ detailed consideration of each separate processing technology of various products and ways of preparation. Детализация тематики выставки Bakery China Fair
International exhibition for manufacture of bakeries and confectionery products