пн—пт:  09:00—23:00;
сб, вс:  10:00—19:00

Выставка  Tree Processing: Tools, Machine tools, the Equipment

5-th International Specialized Exhibition
Дата проведения:
10–12 июня 2008

UralExpoWOOD — annual action had time to deserve interest and respect Russian and foreign manufacturers. The exhibition is called to present in full all variety of the tool and the equipment for tree processing to the industry.

The purposes and problems UralExpoWOOD: demonstration of the newest samples of the equipment for preparation of a wood , tree processing and furniture industry Rosii creation of a business platform for manufacturers and suppliers of the equipment, experts and investors.

Within the limits of an exhibition will pass the actions promoting development of business and partner attitudes between the enterprises of branch. Demonstration of production wood and tree processing the industries, the equipment and means for a wood complex carrying out business-seminars and «round tables» with discussion of problems of development of wood branch with attraction of the Russian and foreign participants demonstration of new samples preparation of a wood technics.