Выставка Showtex 2010For the first time Showtex was held in 2005. The interval is every year.
Дата проведения:
15–17 марта 2010
Место проведения:
Show dates: 14.04.2009 - 16.04.2009.
Expocentr Krasnaja Presnja was chosen as a venue for Showtex. Expocentr is the organizer of Showtex. Trade show categories include Multimedia, Musical Accessories, Music Electronics, Lighting Technology, Musical Instruments, Decorations, Events, Event-Marketing, Costumes, Professional Literature, Film Technology, Computer Technology, Firework, Music Publishers, Disco Equipment. Opening hours: daily 10:00-18:00 h 10:00-16:00 h . Showtex attracted 2 300 attendees. Companies representing 3 countries participated in Showtex. Детализация тематики выставки Showtex 2010