Выставка On Demand RussiaInternational specialized exhibition of printing industry
Дата проведения:
7–12 сентября 2011
Место проведения:
On of main events in the world of digital recording - the interantional conference in printing On demand - will take place in Moscow this year. For 15 years already this event has been holding in the USA, in 2000 it took place in Japan and 2 years ago it came to China. The main topic of the event is increasing of profit of digital business. If earlier its success was due to effective production, now the accent moved to services and informational technologies. To be successful on the competitive market polygraphists should introduce new technologies, automate working flows, improve their effectiveness, offer supplementary services to clients.
The market of digital recording is the most improving segment of polygraphy and according to expert prognoses by the year 2010 it will make 1/5 part of all polygraphy market. The highest growth rate will be shown by Russia, China, Japan and India. The conference On demand Russia will tell its participants about progressive technologies, teaching programmes and share its own view on further development of the market of personalised digital recording in Russia. The target group of the event are digital poligraphies in Russia, ad agencies and intercorporate digital subdivisions. Детализация тематики выставки On Demand Russia