Выставка GASSUF
Дата проведения:
14–16 октября 2014
Место проведения:
GasSUF 2012 is the largest and the leading exhibition in Russia on gas supply, distribution and usage. The main exhibition goal is to contribute to technical re-equipment of the Russian electric engineering industry. Fundamental conception - ecological safety, economical efficiency, effectiveness of gas usage for municipal needs, industry and transport.
The exhibition will welcome over 70 Russian and international companies, organizations, scientific research institutions from 10 countries: Austria, Belarus, Germany, Holland, Italy, Lithuania, Poland, Russia, Ukraine and Switzerland. New technical and technological solutions and prospective findings in?the gas industry will be exhibited by Auto Gaz Centrum (Poland), GAZPROM JSC, Greenfield (Switzerland), GTC Almere Pressure Controls (Holland), Delta-Auto LTD., Idro Meccanica SRL (Italy), ООО Rezol-Avtogaz, Firma Metrinch Ltd., Schwelm Anlagentechnik GmbH (Germany), Worthington Cylinders GMBH (Austria), Servicegaz Ltd., ELPIGAZ JSC. Organizers: MVK, Gasprom, Vniigsas, Gasprom promgas, NGA. Детализация тематики выставки GASSUF
Moscow international specialized exhibition of effective gas using