пн—пт:  09:00—23:00;
сб, вс:  10:00—19:00

Выставка KEY ENERGY 2014


International Exhibition of Renewable Energy
Дата проведения:
5–8 ноября 2014
Место проведения:
KEY ENERGY tackles the hottest issues in the rapidly evolving energy sector for the third year in a row, joining forces with ECOMONDO, the leading fair on the environment and sustainable development.
Key Energy intends to make sustainable energy a key issue in the debate on the industrial development of our economic and social system.
At KEY ENERGY 2009 will present mobility management policies, innovative systems and technologies, exchange of best practices and the use of vehicles and fuels with low environmental impact.


Детализация тематики выставки KEY ENERGY

  • Renewable Energy
  • Biomass
  • Biofuels
  • Photovoltaic
  • Environmental Protection