пн—пт:  09:00—23:00;
сб, вс:  10:00—19:00

Выставка D.A. Vending Expo 2010

Выставка D.A. Vending Expo

The International Vending exhibition
Дата проведения:
27–29 октября 2010
Место проведения:

For today, in connection with the raised employment of the population, it is convenient to use vending-machines  in the food trading sphere for sale of various foodstuff. That system is extended in Europe, but only in large industrial cities, the international community which is engaged in food production, manufacturing and packing technologies underlines, that introduction in the food-processing industry of vending-machines   -  sellers considerably will facilitate a life to people who constantly hurry and have already got used to use food on the move. Analysing safe introduction of vending-machines for sale of newspapers and magazines, has been passed the decision on carrying out of the exhibition-forum D.A. Vending Expo for definition of the vending-machines work containing the different goods of national using.
The exhibition D.A. Vending Expo 2010 production consists of trading vending-machines for sale of  foodstuff and drinks, the equipment for the enterprises of a food and snackbars, drinks and a foodstuff, account materials and clearing means, systems of the automated payment, system of maintenance of safety, IT technology, a telephony, packing, shortcuts, marks, the additional equipment (the warehouse equipment, transportation, working clothes), training, the press.


During the exhibition D.A. Vending Expo 2010 a series of the sessions devoted to the exchange by experience between the leading companies, to presentations of new projects of young experts, attraction of sponsors for financing of the young and perspective companies will be organised. The number of visitors of the exhibition D.A. Vending Expo 2010 includes representatives of companies on manufacturing and saling of trading automatic machines, representatives of hotels, restaurants, public catering establishments, workers of shops, the centres of rest, travel companies and the transport companies.

Детализация тематики выставки D.A. Vending Expo

The trading equipment
Trading vending-machines
Packing materials