пн—пт:  09:00—23:00;
сб, вс:  10:00—19:00

Выставка BauMesse NRW 2014

Выставка BauMesse NRW

Specialised exhibition of ecological building  and building technologies
Дата проведения:
28–30 марта 2014
Место проведения:
BauMesse NRW  is the most important event for the European building industry. The great success of the last event in 2005 was again impressive proof of this leading position. Also the next BauMesse NRW, taking place 04 -06 April 2009, will stimulate business. BauMesse NRWbrings together what belongs together: Sector-specific supply and international demand. BauMesse NRWis not about convention. It is about innovation at the highest level.  BauMesse NRW knows no borders. It is European. An international. Just like the future of building. BauMesse NRW is about quality. Therein lies the future of building.

The exhibition BauMesse NRW is both aimed at environmentally-aware builder, developers and architects, focusing on healthy, eco-friendly building materials, solar technology and photovoltaics, and providing a joint forum for property buyers and sellers, and the appropriate service sector suppliers. The exhibition also explores such themes as holiday homes, domestic and abroad, and residential accommodation for the elderly. A fascinating support programme and topical shows round off the exhibition, scheduled to take place for the first time in Dortmund in March 2003.

Детализация тематики выставки BauMesse NRW

  • Doors
  • Paints
  • Roof
  • Varnishes
  • Windows
  • Covers
  • Building ceramic
  • Building materials
  • Chemie